Monday, April 21, 2008

We got snow, again, in Seattle. This is April folks! What the heck?

I never knew the Oregon Coast could look so beautiful in Mid-April. This is a really nice shot adjacent to the Mouth of the Columbia

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Our view from the world famous Wrigley bleachers. Very busy, very funny, very drunk.

The famous Harry Carrys. This was the day after the official Grand
Opening. Very good place to go after (or before) a game.

The famous marquis of Weigley Field. Addison in the back ground and my
dad in the foreground.

So the trip to Chicago was great, I'm pretty sure my dad had a great
time. As you can see by the the rest of the pics. Prost!

Saturday, April 5, 2008