Thursday, May 1, 2008

A dying breed.

Well its official. We are parking all of our CRJ700's. The company blames high fuel prices. I blame the public's unwillingness to pay the actual price of what a ticket should cost, AND the company's unwillingness to charge them that. Oh well. This is a pretty nice jet. Its fast, RELIABLE, fairly comfortable, and fun. Its going to be funny watching all the Jet Queens try to figure out a turbo prop. Shit is going to hit the fan (litteraly). Another thing our company is doing to cut operational costs is putting over 1/3 of all flight attendant back on reserve. Now people who have been here nearly 2 years are back to sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring. This may not sound bad to a flight attendant working for the majors, however regional flight attendants typically spend less than one year on reserve--so this came as a big shocker. Anywho I'm sticking around. This cmpany didn't furlough any flight attendants after 9/11, and I dont think they'll have to now either. :)

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